Mitteilungen des Bundeswahlleiters

January 21, 2021

2021 Bundestag Election: Germans abroad – Application form available now

Germans living abroad who do not have a registered domicile in Germany will not be entered ex officio into the voters’ register. If German expatriates wish to participate in Bundestag elections, they have to submit a written application for entry into the voters’ register before each election.

The relevant application form “Antrag auf Eintragung in das Wählerverzeichnis für im Ausland lebende Deutsche“ is now available. It contains an information leaflet with instructions for completing the form.

The application has to bear the applicant’s personal and handwritten signature; its original must be submitted to the municipality where the applicant was last registered (main residence).

The application for entry into the voters’ register must have been received by the respective municipality in Germany on the 21st day before election at the latest (= 5 September 2021). This deadline cannot be extended.

Many missions of the Federal Republic of Germany abroad offer a forwarding service for postal ballot letters from the relevant country to Germany to speed up the delivery of the documents. More specific information can be obtained from the respective mission abroad and will also be provided on this website soon.

For further information on the participation of Germans abroad in the 2021 Bundestag Election you may also refer to our Information for voters – Germans abroad.