Bundestag election 2013

Party of elected constituency candidate:

CDU 45.6 %

Party of first unsuccessful candidate:

DIE LINKE 21.8 %

Percentage of first votes


Percentage of second votes

Result table Final result
Specification First votes Second votes
Number % Diff. on 2009 in p.p. Number % Diff. on 2009 in p.p.
Persons entitled to vote 168,695 168,695
Voters 112,071 66.4 +5.0 112,071 66.4 +5.0
Invalid 2,610 2.3 +0.7 1,908 1.7 +0.2
Valid 109,461 97.7 -0.7 110,163 98.3 -0.2
CDU 49,906 45.6 +4.7 49,473 44.9 +9.3
DIE LINKE 23,843 21.8 -4.0 22,696 20.6 -5.1
SPD 22,316 20.4 +5.7 16,970 15.4 -0.3
FDP 2,276 2.1 -7.8 2,912 2.6 -10.1
GRÜNE 3,399 3.1 -0.9 3,144 2.9 -1.6
NPD 5,572 5.1 +0.4 4,272 3.9 -0.8
BüSo 137 0.1 -0.4
MLPD 104 0.1 -0.1
AfD 6,762 6.1
pro Deutschland 394 0.4
FREIE WÄHLER 1,158 1.1
PIRATEN 2,149 2.0 2,141 1.9