Bundestag election 2017

Map of constituencies for download

The map with geometric data on the constituencies of the present Bundestag election is available to you for download in various formats. Provided that the copyright notice below 1 is adhered to, you may use the contents without restrictions.

File format Picture format Content Geometric data 2
PDF DIN A1 map of constituencies, rural districts and towns not attached to an administrative district, with labels and legend generalised 3
Postscript (EPS) DIN A4 geometric data of constituencies, without labels generalised 3
geometric data of constituencies and of rural districts and towns not attached to an administrative district, without labels 4
Adobe Illustrator (AI) geometric data of constituencies, without labels generalised 3
Enhanced Meta File (EMF) geometric data of constituencies, without labels generalised 3
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) geometric data of constituencies, without labels generalised 3
Shapefile 6
geometric data of constituencies in the UTM32 coordinate system 2 not generalised 5
generalised 3
Shapefile 6
geometric data of constituencies as geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude data, WGS84 datum) not generalised 5
generalised 3
Web Map Service (WMS) Map server
Web Feature Service (WFS) Map server
CSV constituency numbers and names


1  © Der Bundeswahlleiter, Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden 2016,
Wahlkreiskarte für die Wahl zum 19. Deutschen Bundestag
Basis of the geological information © Geobasis-DE / BKG (2016)
For any use in digital or printed form, please mark the resulting product with a copyright notice according to the above wording.

2  Map projection information:

Reference system (geodetic datum/coordinate system): ETRS89/UTM32
Projection: Transverse Mercator
False easting: 500,000
False northing: 0
Central meridian: 9
Scaling factor: 0.9996
Latitude of projection origin: 0
Unit of length: metre
EPSG-Code: 25832

Only the shapefiles are additionally offered with geographic coordinates.

3  The geometric data of the constituencies and – if applicable – of the rural districts and towns not attached to an administrative district are strongly generalised compared with the data source VG250 (see also footnotes 1 and 5).

4  The constituency boundaries are represented as red lines and the administrative boundaries of the rural districts and towns not attached to an administrative district as blue lines. If the boundaries coincide, the line is of a mixed colour depending on the zoom level chosen.

5  The basis of the geometric data is the product VG250 of the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (see also footnote 1).

6  In addition to the geometric data, the shapefile contains the following area-related attributes:

WKR_NR Constituency number
WKR_NAME Constituency name
LAND_NR Number of the Land
LAND_NAME Name of the Land