Bundestag election 2021

Percentage of first votes


Percentage of second votes

Result table Final result
Specification First votes Second votes
Number % Diff. on 2017
in p.p.
Number % Diff. on 2017
in p.p.
Persons entitled to vote 2,048,844 - - 2,048,844 - -
Voters 1,549,464 75.6 +1.9 1,549,464 75.6 +1.9
Invalid 21,706 1.4 -0.2 19,821 1.3 -0.1
Valid 1,527,758 98.6 +0.2 1,529,643 98.7 +0.1
CDU 283,668 18.6 -10.5 233,891 15.3 -11.4
AfD 279,978 18.3 -1.1 277,412 18.1 -2.1
SPD 437,753 28.7 +8.2 450,573 29.5 +11.9
DIE LINKE 142,628 9.3 -7.9 129,762 8.5 -8.7
FDP 121,094 7.9 +2.8 142,426 9.3 +2.2
GRÜNE/B 90 120,005 7.9 +3.3 137,472 9.0 +4.0
Tierschutzpartei 6,735 0.4 - 39,823 2.6 +0.8
Die PARTEI 27,429 1.8 +0.6 19,199 1.3 -0.1
FREIE WÄHLER 47,029 3.1 +1.2 40,509 2.6 +1.5
NPD - - -0.1 4,868 0.3 -0.6
DKP 1,785 0.1 -0.2 1,978 0.1 ±0.0
ÖDP 4,499 0.3 - 2,835 0.2 ±0.0
MLPD 304 0.0 ±0.0 842 0.1 ±0.0
dieBasis 26,766 1.8 - 23,062 1.5 -
Die Humanisten 458 0.0 - 1,892 0.1 -
PIRATEN 5,848 0.4 +0.1 6,340 0.4 -
Team Todenhöfer - - - 3,353 0.2 -
UNABHÄNGIGE 7,339 0.5 - 9,113 0.6 -
Volt 1,004 0.1 - 4,293 0.3 -
FAMILIE 1,817 0.1 - - - -
Individual candidates 11,619 0.8 +0.4 - - -0.7

Results in constituencies