Bundestag election 2021

Percentage of first votes


Percentage of second votes

Result table Final result
Specification First votes Second votes
Number % Diff. on 2017
in p.p.
Number % Diff. on 2017
in p.p.
Persons entitled to vote 4,383,047 - - 4,383,047 - -
Voters 3,340,639 76.2 -0.8 3,340,639 76.2 -0.8
Invalid 44,706 1.3 -0.2 39,829 1.2 -0.2
Valid 3,295,933 98.7 +0.2 3,300,810 98.8 +0.2
CDU 909,147 27.6 -7.9 753,512 22.8 -8.0
SPD 1,000,129 30.3 +1.2 910,035 27.6 +4.0
AfD 285,337 8.7 -2.6 290,978 8.8 -3.1
FDP 315,712 9.6 +2.4 421,621 12.8 +1.2
GRÜNE 480,535 14.6 +6.5 521,411 15.8 +6.1
DIE LINKE 130,457 4.0 -2.6 142,585 4.3 -3.8
Tierschutzpartei - - - 49,047 1.5 +0.5
Die PARTEI 22,769 0.7 +0.3 29,569 0.9 ±0.0
FREIE WÄHLER 81,432 2.5 +1.0 56,155 1.7 +0.9
PIRATEN 4,917 0.1 ±0.0 13,152 0.4 ±0.0
NPD - - -0.1 4,511 0.1 -0.2
ÖDP - - - 3,683 0.1 -0.1
V-Partei³ - - - 3,128 0.1 -0.1
MLPD 969 0.0 ±0.0 906 0.0 ±0.0
DKP 233 0.0 ±0.0 1,294 0.0 ±0.0
dieBasis 47,736 1.4 - 43,106 1.3 -
Bündnis C 1,353 0.0 - 4,412 0.1 -
BÜNDNIS21 172 0.0 - 1,166 0.0 -
LKR 103 0.0 - 932 0.0 -
Die Humanisten 472 0.0 - 3,551 0.1 -
Gesundheitsforschung - - - 4,891 0.1 -
Team Todenhöfer - - - 21,897 0.7 -
Volt 7,725 0.2 - 19,268 0.6 -
BüSo 123 0.0 - - - ±0.0
UNABHÄNGIGE 951 0.0 - - - -
SGP - - ±0.0 - - -
Individual candidates 5,661 0.2 ±0.0 - - -0.4

Results in constituencies